Category Archives: Uncategorized
June 4
I have an awakening today.
The awakening is, Life is Zero.
Zero might mean nothing, but it also means everyone ends at beginning, nothing lost and nothing gained.
For this, I would like to give thanks to the sacrifice on June 4, 1989, because we gained memories at their lost.
This is my tribute to the June 4th sacrifice for their bravery and their contribution with their own unnaturally shortened zero.
Truthfulness keeps us at the safest at all time.
Truthfulness maintains life at it’s naturality at all time.
Truthfulness prevents wars by human at all time.
Truthfulness demands one is true to oneself in order for the above three functions to work.
How does one true to oneself?
True to oneself is that one truly admits what’s right and what’s wrong.
True to oneself is that it’s not right to kill to keep oneself alive.
True to oneself is that it’s not right to take from others for the benefits of oneself.
True to oneself is that it’s not right to be a tyrant to dictate others for the satisfaction of oneself.
True to oneself is that human rights must be respected.
Who will help me?
I am
I am American. I am Chinese. I am Hong Kong Chinese.
I am Chinese American. I am Asian Chinese. I am Hong Kong Chinese. I am USA Chinese.
I am alien. I am contrary. I am failure.
I am old. I am young in mind. I am weak.
I am small. I am unknown. I am unsuccessful.
I am explosive. I am ordinary.
Well, any who, I am me.
Thank You
survival extended
take on
Change the world?
The Stock Market
Psychology drives
True Charity
I’m empowered.
New Year Resolution
I’ve got to……
infinite creativity
creativity is extension
creativity is multiple solutions
creativity is multiple perspectives
creativity is multiple thoughts
creativity is multiple ways of actions for the same purpose
creativity is multiple ways to the same destination
creativity is multiple selections
creativity is multiple choices
creativity is infinite
extend creativity
it fits
May I be happy?
What’s next?
My Heart Tells Me Who I Am
so what?
Pity Me?
What do I want and like?
to move on, to live on
My Photography
free to move on
surviving living
Humanity Defined
handle it
pause in life
What is it?
Stand Tall
non-stop creativity
What makes me?
infringement upon me
knocked down
I have energy
get up
guilty or not
What is Success?
moving on
It’s Never Ever Enough
What I Like
forward going
It’s always that song I would write.
It’s always that story I would publish.
It’s always that moment I would capture in a photo.
It’s always that resolution/methodology I would have for more effective work.
It’s always that drive I would make things better.
It’s always that thought I would have to keep going forward.
The Act of Stillness
Countless Possibilities and Exploration
stand by me
music improvision
extension of living
’cause I am me
My Dream
tools of witness
humanity rule
witness humanity
core soul of humanity
I’m a Witness
I tell myself
living on
Living in Time
The Universe
I Am Happy
adaptation from the Movie ‘Fury’
Unlucky Wisdom
be the best of you
Thank You for Not Lucky
wish you the best
When the Time Comes
It’s Okay
what matters?
my politics
This is what I am.
to win
things-to-do list
The Frame
ordinary people
it is how it is
day by day
better off
My Home
a touch of epiphany
my past time
take a pause
I could
love all
The Ultimate Mission
That’s How I do
stand up
I believe
play god
The Talk
change the perspective
people on earth
Where am I from?
animal essence
Elements of Success
New Year Resolution
when I say
I must
My Capturings
What is Science?
It’s Me
finding wisdom
i am fortunate
more vs. less
end = new = end
What do I believe?
Do I believe true value would prevail?
Do I believe lopsided economy would prevail?
Do I believe ‘nature’ economy would return to nature?
I do not believe to presume others would only do the improperness.
I do believe minimum but needed guiding supervision.
Change takes patience and trust.
I believe in my own preset non-christian missionary direction.
optimism 。value
life origin
let’s play tennis, always
如何做? How to do it?
What I do for children
What am I doing?
let it be
let it be how the mature has matured;
let it be how one’s rights has shaped one’s behavior;
let it be how one’s innate traits has moulded oneself;
let it be how one’s intelligence has led one’s action;
I shall be able to see all these ‘let it be’ to help resolute as turning the bad effects to mutual benefits.
i wish
The Thought
how to reach success
psychology drives
True Charity
The Able
make a mark
True Answer
tough on toughness
心 – heart
I Act Upon My Heart
I act upon my heart;
I act upon my heart with the most thorough analytical consideration;
I act upon my heart with the fundamental values which I always have;
I act upon my heart base on the most essential ethics which has been truly built inside me ever since;
I act upon my heart expecting all outcomes even with the mostly unexpected;
I act upon my heart, simply, purely, most humanly.
That’s What We Always Do
The End of an Era – 跳出舊章
The Beginning of New Time – 躍進新時
I have the Calendar 。I have the Plan 。Simple 。
Feel it 。 Be Part of it 。 Be With it 。 Live it 。 Influence it 。 Give Love to it 。
。Moving On 。
Nature create earth, people destroy earth;
The belief of God did not create people, people created the belief of God;
Evolution creates People
defy and defeat
Don’t Stop
Don’t Give Up
The Best of Time is Awaiting
continue on . . . solidly with my fundamental journey
Is that what it is?
I’m a good guy, but I can’t be a nice guy.
I try hard to be an ass hole, but I’m a good guy.
To be an Enigma is being Actively Creative and Madly In Love with Life
If I had not traveled the previous roads, I would not be heading on today’s roads.
be a friend, respect the freedom among friends, be a life-long partner
My Destiny
Say what? Do what?
speak out the true benefits of the truth courageously, need not to criticize
act upon the true benefits of the sincerity naturally, need not to dramatize
do them, it is invincible
feel to explore or explore to feel
Truth Deserves Its Truthfulness
back to BASIC
My Woman
Good people are not heard. Good things are not seen. Good reasons are not understood. Good practices are not carried out. Good work is not done.
Ethics is not brought out. Ethics is not applied.
Good people will never be heard. Good things will never be seen. Good reasons will never be understood. Good practices will never be carried out. Good work will never be done.
Ethics will never be brought out. Ethics will never be applied.
But after all,
Goodness and ethics prevail.
Goodness and ethics will triumph among all.
This Is Me
Simplicity Is Nature.
Work Flow
@ where I stand now …
Let my intelligence guide me and respect my own natural reaction & reflex.
I don’t need to be at the extremes although I should maintain the positively motivated and effectiveness needed resentment & anger for any outrageously unfair absurdity.
I need to remember I am in total control of myself and I am still free to influence and apply myself over issues I believe to be affirmative above all because it is the right things to do, it is all missionary and humane.
Myself Management (MM)
We are the people who keep our words.
I’ve got 5 on one hand; I’ve got 5 on another;
I would have 5 + 5 = 55 on both to support myself to MOVE FORWARD.
appreciate the current; take advantage of what I’ve gotten; let my intelligence guide me
in the sea of DIFFERENCES, adaptation for living is the realization of such differences and rendering solutions to it;
Search Your Soul; Search Your Thoughts;
Aptitude is Intelligence; Resilience is Skill; Vision is Power; Perseverance is Effort; Stamina is Energy; Vigor is Strength;
Everyone has the right to survive and live. Just live with the right mind and a good heart.
One will never run out of things to do as one’s mind provides continuing ideas; and pre-planning provides the excitement of action.
Have You Ever Been Told
I Want To Help
Ever since the beginning, we are the children. The beginning of the children is the moment of times which should never be neglected. But there is always a light that will shine on the children and be their guidance from the beginning of time. Although for sure the children will cry and laugh continuously, or fall down and get up relentlessly, we know they will always move forward. Children have the powerful forces to drive changes required for their growth because they are the continuation of time on earth. Looking into the times yet to come, the children will be ahead to show us the changes and letting us know that they are the bearer of the light torch who is responsible to keep the guidance light on. But for the moment, we can only see the flow of changes and it’s sure that there are many questions in the process. We don’t know all the answers to the questions but for certain I would like to tell you, I want to help the children to change and grow as far front from the beginning to the longest possible extension of time.
a written story
the theme is: live, help, happy *** lively, helping, happy
Life and Living combined is a written story.
we got nothing to lose:
continue doing the best one can at the current work, making it successful so that one can branch off to get involved in the charitable helping projects
it’s in the written story that one would fold the current work to focus on the charitable helping projects which one has been asking when will one ever start on these charitable helping projects
all those problems are now to become challenges, learning experience, and moving forward
the good thing is: no more anxiety, over-stressed, fretting, gloom & doom
so ……. healthier and live longer to do more charitable helping work
not a word of THANKS is ever spoken, but the meaning of appreciation is beyond the spoken sound
in the family, none of the true appreciation is ever needed to be spoken but is carried inside always
Live Lively
My Work – My Time
welcome the problems, embrace the solutions
Keep It Changing;
Keep It Improving;
Keep It A Challenge;
Keep Working At It;
These All Will Take Care Of My FEAR!
Remember, the pressure burden exists only when I allow it to exist; when it doesn’t exist, I am at my best; I still believe in myself, do the best I can, correct and improve myself;
I do what I can and I do the best I can;
resources preservation
On this Saturday, I take the usual walk in the neighborhood park. There are many many small children and teenagers with their parents and coaches having soccer matches on the grass field.
Without having taken the camera with me, my brains have been joyfully enriched with jam-packed pictorial scenes of this day’s festivity.
I see RESOURCES, everywhere, all over the the grass field in the entire park.
I see parents and coaches exchange offerings of coffees among themselves, I see resources.
I see a father motivating his twin toddlers to walk around the park and play with them intimately on the side benches after the walk, I see resources.
I see a mother giving supportive effort for her child playing on the field by yelling ‘Go, you can do it.’ without breaking for breath while caring for her toddler a far distance from across the grass field, I see resources.
I see a coach preps a small group of very small children for a game of soccer, I see resources.
I see two teenage girl players who are already playing in a match on the field exchange supportive and comforting comments when one player kicks the ball outside the boundary, I see resources.
I see happiness on everyone’s face, adults and children, I see resources.
I see a man explaining how will the dirt and grass on the field affect the speed of the ball, I see resources.
I see a man teaches a few boys who are warming up on the side on techniques, I see resources.
I see there are just as many parents as children playing in the soccer matches, I see resources.
I see non-stop of motivating yelling from the sideline while the matches are being played, I see resources.
As I am the worker of resources preservation for Nature, seeing these resources on this Saturday is the happiest day of my life!
What Are They?
The weak will perish;
The strong will survive;
What would we be?
We can not become weak, can we?
When two systems are different, we must be smart to see the differences, and we must be intelligent to understand the differences, then we must be wise enough to make the choice.
A determination of belief is the engine of the driving force for rendering the ultimatum of that belief.
One’s drive for politically forceful power is for satisfying personal insatiability; One’s hunger for politically forceful power is for satisfying personal desires.
The gaining of forceful political power for one applies suppressive fear to many regular others who are under such power.
If one acts upon one’s very own heart by birth, there’s no right or wrong, it’s only the righteousness;
Religion and Politics are identical ideology which reflects the very nature of the human species that had driven the human behavioral action ever since the origin of the birth of man;
The fear of death and unknowns, or superstition in any means of conveyance will then disappear base upon the identical terminology of Religion and Politics as one; the very joy of living the true life is then not tempered by fear in any forms but solely being steered from one’s very own heart;
Rushes From The Heart
What do I say?
Life is Simple. Living is Complex. Beginning is Pure. Ending is Unbearable.
I live the life-style I pick.
The Real Heart – The Real Me
I am created just as equal to others.
Be Myself, Be Me
Refresh – Restart
Be Positive – Be Energetic
Look Up High as I always Climb
Value is the essence in our soul – our soul is in our heart
I do what I can – I do the best I can
take the problems – work the solutions – enjoy divine sensations
I make it happen.
We have it in our heart. We believe in our heart. We do it with our heart. We give from our heart.
Responsible for your action at the time, not after.
One is responsible for the right and the wrong.
Not to brag, Not to boast, but to apply quietly from behind.
I Am Who I Am
What do I call it? Ah, it is called Living.
How Do I Lead?
•My Heart of Goodness •Lead •Ability •keep out of trouble •Wisdom •+ •Knowledge
I believe in myself, but I constantly correct and improve myself.
I tend not to think that one is lost in one’s sense of direction. I tend to think that one is living in the sea of wisdom.
It’s just nice to spend time working for the well beings of others.
Old tricks always work. The oldest trick works the best.
I know so much and yet I have known so little.
Don’t ask where I come from; ask where I am heading.
I believe in practical but missionary.
You have the will, I have the strength, We have the power for action, that’s why we make a team.
I Do What I Can
Make It Happen
Assign and Designate work firmly
Speak my mind
Make known of reasonable demands on work
I have no pressure.
I will not submit to pressure because submission to pressure is weak.
Paranoia takes no control on my action and decision making.
I will not be submissive to my enemy which affects my action and cause my failure.
Going under pressure, submission to paranoia, and enemy wanting me to fail will not and cannot manipulate my work in any way possible.
I have a choice.
Nothing is non-resolute.
I am not deterred by the un-surmountable.
I am the core of team spirit and I believe in team work and believe in my team.
I am an educated man.
Therefore, I believe in confronting problems and resolving them with educated solutions.
Therefore, I am strong and carry out my work to resolute and to tackle problems with strength.
It’s okay to just do it.
I don’t need to apologize for the good things that I purposefully built.
I will not be deterred nor discouraged by criticism as long as I am critical to myself.
Blast! Blast! What are you going to do about it?
Blast! Blast! Blast!
You just complain, and complain more!
You just talk, and talk more!
What are you going to do about it?
Have you thought about any solution? Have you thought about any kind of action other than just verbal blasting?
What am I going to do? I just do it! I just do it better and better until it all works!
What I Do
Big or Small
Big or Small
Just work at it.
Success is measured by one’s own heart.
A Grip
refresh – restart –do what I can – do the best I can – no fear – I am not afraid — let the past be passed – protect myself – don’t make myself vulnerable – do not overexpose myself – not overly modest – I am smart and able now – no dump head on – appreciation remembered – I have freedom – I have advantage – I have worry-free – move on with my projects – be daring in what I do – deal with reality changes – I have just as much rights as others who live on these two land – play ball psychology remembered – don’t put myself in any weak situation which I don’t need to be responsible and get blame for – there is no ‘second class citizen’ feeling on both places where I make home – the right and healthy belief of ‘let go’ – keep all good nature – be smart to take care of myself and loved ones – use play ball psychology to deal with things – be strong and healthy – I am myself as others are themselves, I can’t change other adults as who they are – if I can’t believe that I am making mistakes (when I am sure that I am right from heart), others won’t believe that they are making mistakes either – give myself no excuses to not go ahead start and do whatever I’d planned out already – it’s time now to start and to do – stop thinking that I am not financially and experienced ready to start – I am now ready to start
play ball psychology – want to beat others but not to be beaten; don’t want to play with someone who is easily beaten yet also don’t want to play with someone who can beat you; good days and bad days; over worry is pressure which is detrimental and will end with bad results and feelings; it’s history when a bad day is over, let it be passed; over concern causes distraction which will end with bad results and bad feelings about not being lucky;
*** The Completeness of living and working with a grip on Mid-Life crisis through the philosophy of the game of tennis
*** the philosophy of playing a game of tennis is all humanization in living and working ***
*** Passive Waiting and Status Quo make no gains but losses; Proactive Planning and Active Go For It make all the gains and winnings ***
Life-long Knowledge (skill) and Life-long Strategic Planning (tactics) – with knowledge (skill) confidently apprehended, need the constant appropriate strategic planning (tactics) to complete the entire Life-long living game – adjusting and making adjustment (don’t forget that to whom I am adjusting will be making the reacting adjustment) – action ßà reaction – how to affect other’s prospective action – how to influence other’s prospective action – how to force other’s prospective action – how to take control of other’s prospective action – clear view on the game plan and look at the game territory from above – plan and make decision on my action – decide how I want to do it and GO TO execute it – know and understand what type of players (partner and opponent) with whom I am playing – plan and make decision on how and where I will take the position – taking the position base on my decision beforehand help me execute as planned and give me better control – know and understand what’s around me
The Complexity of Life yet the Simplicity Within
We all get to choose. Everyone has a choice. I have a choice.