I Want To Help

CIMG0718s Ever since the beginning, we are the children. The beginning of the children is the moment of times which should never be neglected. But there is always a light that will shine on the children and be their guidance from the beginning of time. Although  for sure the children will cry and laugh continuously, or fall down and get up relentlessly, we know they will always move forward. Children have the powerful forces to drive changes required for their growth because they are the continuation of time on earth. Looking into the times yet to come, the children will be ahead to show us the changes and letting us know that they are the bearer of the light torch who is responsible to keep the guidance light on. But for the moment, we can only see the flow of changes and it’s sure that there are many questions in the process. We don’t know all the answers to the questions but for certain I would like to tell you, I want to help the children to change and grow as far front from the beginning to the longest possible extension of time.