On The Way Home

Even though the sky is gloomy, and the wind hitting my face is a bit chilly, this is still my home.

After climbing higher up to a broader view, the sky is brighter, and the wind is warmer.

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Circle is Silent.

Silence is Energy!

The Circle is Life, beginning meets ending.

But Circle has none meeting point.

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just wish but put in effort so that good wishes come true. 

Don't just say but no do, what and how to do to make good wishes come true are keys.

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Ah, Piano

When I play on,

I extend my limits, I expand my being;

I know what’s good and bad, I understand what’s right and wrong.

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Situation Understood

Each study of situation is how a refreshed stack of cards are dealt.
Although it has changes due to reshuffling, fundamentals remain the same.
Knowing the changes can-be and the changes can’t-be.

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Making Decisions

When one is deciding on or choosing a selection for oneself, consider effects that are positive for everyone but no just for oneself because everyone includes oneself and everybody else.

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May I have a dance?

Everyone can dance, and dancing is a beautiful thing, is it not?

Everyone is able, and able to do things is a beautiful thing, is it not?

Everyone is born free, fair and freedom for everyone is a beautiful thing, is it not?

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I Walk

I am a walker, I walk and walk.

I walk looking for meaning;

I walk thinking of understanding;

I walk seeing the beacon at the other end of the tunnel.

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Beat COVID-19

I live the lifestyle I pick.

The real heart, the real me.

Be myself, be me.

Refresh, Restart


Be Positive, Be Energetic

Look up high, I always climb.

Value is the essence in our soul, our soul is in our heart.

Take the problems, work the solutions, enjoy divine sensations.

I do what I can, I do the best I can.

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Look Up

When feeling unjust and hopeless, look up to the blue sky, because looking down from up there, everyone is ultimately the same and always hoping.

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If what

If what I say is not heard,
if what I help is not wanted,
if what I offer is not taken,
if what I give is not appreciated,
it’s alright, I’ll just live on.

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Ending is abrupt, for there is no ending, only circle.

Ending is interruption, for there is no ending, only zero circle.

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Whom I Can Trust

Who can I trust? The age-less question that may have no answer.

See a little further regardless, ponder a little more despite of,

value the moment continuously, enjoy the jubilation with family and friends.

That’s whom I can trust!


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If It Hadn’t

If it hadn’t been down, how would it be up?

If it hadn’t been less, how would it be more?

If it hadn’t been out, how would it be in?

If it hadn’t been small, how would it be big?

If it hadn’t been wrong, how would it be right?

If it hadn’t been bad, how would it be good?

So, how’s good or bad?

What’s right or wrong?

Can you tell me?

Why don’t we just do what humanity tells us to do?

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rediscover me

I have rediscovered me.

As a photographer, I take what I see, how I see.

As a writer, I write what I think, how I think.

As a pianist, I play what I feel, how I feel.

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Hey There

Hey there, “What would you do for love?”

Nothing special.

I’ll be happy for just about everything.

Well, then, “What would you do for happiness?”

Just be happy!

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I am a great self-entertainer.

That is, I am good at entertaining myself.

Would it make me a showman then?

But then what would I show for myself if I were the self-showman?

Could I be the great showman?

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What could I do?

What could I do if I was afraid of speaking my mind?

What could I do if I was afraid of speaking my feelings?

Why were you afraid of speaking your mind and your feelings?

Because no one listens to me when I speak my mind and feelings.

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don’t got what it takes to be

don’t got what it takes to be a friend

don’t got what it takes to be inspiring

don’t got what it takes to be connecting

but do got what it takes to be moving on

I gets what it takes to be me.

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